Monday, April 27, 2015

Final Preparations

On 27 April, the organising team conducted its last meeting before the event. Students practiced felting, prepared decorations and sorted out the event's cards. Last minute changes were also made to the  HR shifts.

See you soon!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Otaniemi Campus Visit

Organizing Team visited  the Laurea Otaniemi campus to inspect the facilities and prepare for the program happening there.

The team also received  guidance and instruction from the International Office staff  and the teachers. 

On the same day, the team had a meeting with representative of marketing team who was also an organizer of the International Week last year. Following a presentation, she shared her experiences about organizing similar events. We were also shown some interesting materials and tips from last year's event, further motivating us. 

With only two weeks remaining until the International Week, the Organizing Team is getting ready to welcome all guests. Final tasks and checks are being carried out. HR shifts for the whole International Week have already been completed.


 The visit concluded with the student being given some free time to boost the team spirit.