Wednesday, April 15, 2015

International Food Fair Report (February 15, 2015)

1. Summary

What has been discussed and done so far
So far team one, consisting of five members (Jaree, Matias, Theresa, Marbee & Ruth) have brainstormed possible ideas, which can be implemented during the Monday program of the international week. The name of the “event” is international food fair. The food fair is a requirement for the week, ordered by our customer the international team. Conference related theory has been learned and taken into account in planning of the food fair and conference as a whole.

 2. Brainstorming

Following  a brainstorm session , and a post-discussion with other teams, several ideas and implementation methods were developed. Ideas generated include; a concept for the Monday student-lecturer panel, a concept for familiarizing participants with foreign culture and foods as well as promoting casual discussion between seminars/lecturers.

 3. Concept

The concept for the international food fair consists of promoting cross-cultural awareness, through discussions and cultural & culinary presentations. In the morning guests will be welcomed by the smell of fresh coffee and cinnamon buns. The coffee and buns will be served in the lobby. This will promote small chit-chat in a welcoming and friendly environment. When participants enter, organizers will take their coats to the cloakroom and ask them to register their presence. The registration desk will be situated next to, or near the cloakroom or entrance. Afterwards,  participants will be encouraged to have coffee and cinnamon buns. Following the event, and  when the schedule is most open, participants and other students alike will be encouraged to converse in the cultural ”tents”. The tents or cultural “spots” will be situated in the lobby, to promote maximum participation by all parties involved. Team one will organize cultural music performers, and other cultural performers (dancer and musicians), combining cultures for as many countries as possible. Team one was planning to bring performers from Vietnam, Philippines and possibly other nations. Performances and music will be in a designated area or stage in the lobby. Team one will organize cultural conversing areas around the lobby, through designing tents presenting the culture, way of living and food from multiple cultures. Tents will present cultural values, nationals, sitting area and food. These areas will possibly show pictures/videos of their each countries culture.

 4. Implementation

We are working on ensuring the fulfillement of our goals.

 5. Registration and Communication

How will the plans of team one be transferred to the client and about registration and welcoming participants, and other organizers during the event.

 6. Pre-Event

How to prepare for the event, what will be served, what needs to be acquired and done. More details can be found is in our group’s check-list.

 7. International Food Fair

The day of the event and schedule

 8. Post-Event

Some examples: Cleaning, returning equipment and other things and ending the day.

 9. Conference Theory Implementation

How to design the timetable (not too long sessions, sufficient brakes ect..)

 10. Schedule

Our teams proposed schedule for Monday.

 11. Conclusion

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